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Applications are open from 17 February to 7 May 2020



  • Students enrolled in a doctoral program of a university

  • Postdoctoral and junior scientists from academic or industrial laboratories


The selection of the students is a two stages process.

Applicants are first invited to apply before 15 June 2020 using online application form, by providing a CV, a cover letter stating the motivations for the school, copy of passport, copy of recent academic transcripts/diploma and contact information for one professional reference who will write a support letter for your application.

The candidate should choose the practical works they would like to attend and rank them by preference order before applying (2 choices of Core practicals and 7 for lab practicals: available HERE).

Once the application is complete (all fields with *, at least, will be removed) please check carefully every choice you made, especially the practicals, and don't forget to submit it.

Only submitted applications will be considered for selection. 


Mid-MAY : Admission jury

The ESONN committee will select the candidates to enroll in the summer school based on applicants' profile and academic performance.

End of May/Beginning of June : Acceptance letter
Accepted candidates will be notified and  will receive an official acceptance letter by email.
If, unfortunately, you are not selected for this session, you will also be notified by ESONN administration.

Accepted candidates will be asked to confirm their participation, provide documents listed in acceptance letter and follow instructions to pay the registration fees.

Plan your trip
Once every administrative formalties are settled, you can  plan your arrival in Grenoble.

You will receive all useful information about the programme and practical information needed.

Don't wait and plan early in advance your trip, especially if you need a VISA!



The fees include

  • attendance at lectures, seminars and practicals

  • participation to the social program including the touristic trip during the first week end

  • housing on a single-room occupancy basis at modern apartment hotel

  • breakfasts and lunches during the week.


The lunches during the week-ends and the dinners are NOT included.

NOTA: A few grants will be allocated to participants OUTSIDE European Union.
If you want to apply to, please motivate your  request in the cover letter.

Apply HERE
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