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Scientific Committee.
F. BELTRAM, Pisa, Italy
S. BENGTSSON, Chalmers University, Sweden
M. BLOCK, Institut Albert Bonniot, Grenoble, France
J. CIBERT, LLN-CNRS, Grenoble, France
M. DOGTEROM, AMOLF Netherlands
A. FERT, CNRS - Thales, France (Physics Nobel Prize 2007)
P. FROMHERZ, MPI Biochemie, Germany
G. GHIBAUDO, IMEP, Grenoble, France
M.W. HOSSEINI, Université de Strasbourg, France
F. JÜLICHER, MPI Dresden, Germany
T. KLAPWIJK, Delft University, Netherlands
L. LEVY, Institut Néel, UJF and CNRS, Grenoble, France
P. LINDELOF, N. Bohr Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark
L. MONTELIUS, Lund University, Sweden
O. MOURITSEN, University Southern Denmark
P. RENAUD, EPFL, Switzerland
J. ROTHMANN, Columbia University, USA
C. SANCHEZ, Jussieu, Paris, France
E. SCHEER, Konstanz University, Germany
T. SKOTNICKI, STMicroelectronics, France
S. VIEIRA, Madrid University, Spain
D. WILLIAMS, Hitachi, Cambridge, UK
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