Half of the formation is devoted to practicals, which are held in Grenoble clean room facilities at the Inter-university Centre for MicroElectronics (CIME)
and in research laboratories.
(CP: Core Practical)
(3 days for CP1 and CP3, 2 days for CP2 and 1 day for CP4)
CP1: “Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)” (PDF)
Modeling and characterization of a pressure gauge
CP2: “Submicron MOSFET modeling and characterization" (PDF)
CP3: "Fabrication technologies and electrical characterization of semiconductor devices" (PDF)
CP4: “BioChips ” Introduction to DNA microarray technology and application to comparative genomic hybridization (PDF)
II. NEAR-FIELD MICROSCOPIES (1 day) this practical is assigned, by the ESONN practicals responsibles, to participants according to their AFM and STM level, independently of their choices.
CP5: Practical work on Scanning Probe Microscopies (PDF) (at CIME or in a research laboratory):
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM)
Practicals to be chosen within the following list (7) and put in the online application form by preference order.
You can choose any practicals you would like to join, whatever session you apply to.
01: FIB-SEM nano-tomography for materials science.
Pierre-Henri Jouneau, IRIG/MEM-CEA and UGA. (PDF)
02: Surface analysis : an introduction to XPS.
Grégory Berthomé, Science et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés, SIMAP-Grenoble INP, CNRS and UGA. (PDF)
03: Optical Phonons in low dimensional systems
Nedjma Bendiab and Laëtitia Marty, Institut Néel-CNRS and UGA. (PDF)
04: Introduction to e-Beam Lithography and Focus Ion Beam (FIB)
Jean-François Motte, Institut Néel-CNRS and UGA. (PDF)
05: Growth by van der Waals epitaxy and characterization of two-dimensional transition metal diselenides
Frédéric BONELL, Matthieu JAMET, Alain MARTY and Céline VERGNAUD, IRIG/Spintec-CEA, CNRS, UGA and Grenoble INP.(PDF)
07: Skymionic Bubbles : Fabrication, characterisation
Laurent Ranno, Institut Néel-CNRS and UGA.(PDF)
08: Electro-migration technique to fabricate a single molecule transistor
Franck Balestro and Hugo Biard, Institut Néel-CNRS and UGA.(PDF)
09: Characterization of nanostructures by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Jean-Luc Rouvière, CEA-CNRS-UGA Team “Nanophysics and Semiconductors”, Institut Néel, Grenoble, IRIG/MEM/LEMMA, Minatec-CEA and UGA. (PDF)
12: Spintronics: characterisation of perpendicular anisotropy MRAM cells
Ricardo Sousa and Sanchez Hazen, IRIG/SPINTEC-CEA, CNRS, UGA and Grenoble INP. (PDF)
13: Electronic tongue: principle, construction and analysis of complex mixtures
Yanxia Hou-Broutin, IRIG/SyMMES-CEA, UGA and CNRS. (PDF)
14: Chemical synthesis of perovskite nanocrystals, their microscopic and spectroscopic characterization
Peter Reiss and Dmitry Aldakov, IRIG/SyMMES-CEA, UGA and CNRS. (PDF)
15: Fabrication and characterization of dye-sensitized solar cells with variable optical transmission
Renaud Demadrille, IRIG/SyMMES-CEA, UGA and CNRS. (PDF)
16: Spintronics Based Radiofrequency Nano-Oscillator: From Spin Polarized Current Induced Excitations towards Applications
Ursula Ebels, Artem Litvinenko and Ahmed Sidi El Valli, IRIG/SPINTEC-CEA, CNRS, UGA and Grenoble INP. (PDF)
17: Local deformation and mechanical properties by nano-indentation
Marc Verdier, SIMAP, CNRS, Grenoble INP and UGA. (PDF)
18: AFM: Structural defects and magnetic domain imaging
Marc Verdier, SIMAP, CNRS, Grenoble INP and UGA. (PDF)
19: Integrated circuit design using Magnetic Tunnel Junctions: from schematic to layout for analog and digital applications
Gregory di Pendina and Guillaume Prenat, IRIG/SPINTEC-CEA, CNRS, UGA and Grenoble INP. (PDF)
21: Funtionalization of Gold nanoparticles for the instrument-free detection of Adenosine in a Bio-assay
Yoann Roupioz, IRIG/SyMMES-CEA, UGA and CNRS. (PDF)
23: Radio-Frequency Reflectometry at low temperature on silicon quantum dots
Xavier Jehl, IRIG/PHELIQS. (PDF)
25: Seeing real-time electron tunneling processes
Tristan Meunier and Pierre-André Mortemousque, Institut Néel - CNRS and UGA. (PDF)
27: Manipulation of a single spin in diamond at room temperature
Benjamin Pigeau et Olivier Arcizet, Institut Néel - CNRS and UGA. (PDF)
28: Quantum transport simulation: Non-Equilibrium-Green’s Functions methods
Alessandro Cresti, IMEP-CNRS, Grenoble INP and UGA. (PDF)
29: Synthesis of silicon nanowire powder in mass for lithium-ion batteries
Pascale Chenevier, IRIG/SyMMES-CEA, UGA and CNRS. (PDF)
30: Simple Approach to Micropattern animal Cells on Common Culture Substrates: Fluorescent Microscopy and AFM Characterization
Emanuelle Planus, Virginie Stoppin-Mellet, CIME. (PDF)
31: Solvothermal synthesis of luminescent nanomaterials
Géraldine Dantelle, Institut Néel - CNRS and UGA. (PDF)
32: Single-wire LED emitting strong blue light grown by metalorganic vapor phase-epitaxy
Christophe Durand, IRIG/PHELIQS-CEA and UGA. (PDF)
39: Fabrication of nanostructured zirconia powders by spray pyrolysis for energy and biodomain. Structural and microstructural characterizations
Elisabeth Djurado, LEPMI, Grenoble INP. (PDF)
41: Proteins and nanoparticle assemblies and interactions by AUC and SEC/MALS
Christine Ebels, IBS. (PDF)
42: Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer - Cell imaging analysis of protein interactions
Jean-Philippe Kleman, Francoise Lacroix, Joanna Timmin, IBS. (PDF)
43: Surface Plasmon Resonance applied to biomolecules
Jean-Baptiste Reiser, IBS. (PDF)
45: Surface analyses by XPS and Auger spectroscopy of electrodes materials for lithium ions batteries
Anass Benayad and Jorge Morales, LITEN/CEA-TECH. (PDF)
47: Single protein localization and molecular mobility measurements in cells by fluorescence microscopy techniques.
Alexei Grichine and Mylène Pezet, IAB. (PDF)
48: Electronic microscopy of natural polymers.
Christine Lancelon-Pin & Jean-Luc Putaux, CERMAV. (PDF)
49: Biochip Photopatterning : surface functionalization for cell on a chip applications
Martial Balland, LiPhy, CNRS-UGA. (PDF)
56: Cryo-Electron Microscopy: sample preparation and visualization using a Polara and a Krios electron microscope both equipped with a direct electron detector
Guy Schoehn and Isai Kandiah, IBS and ESRF. (PDF)
60: Fabrication of a micro-fluidic device with integrated hard magnetic micro-flux sources for particle manipulation
Thibaut Devillers, Institut Néel, CNRS-UGA. (PDF)
61: An approach of nanomedicine: synthesis and characterization of curcumin-loaded lipid nanoparticles and their formulation for topical delivery
Dorothée Jary, Isabelle Texier, CEA-LETI. (PDF)
65: Fabrication and characterisation of a hybrid perovskite solar cell
Dmitry Aldakov and Asma Medjahed, IRIG/SyMMES-CEA, UGA and CNRS. (PDF)
67: Electrical characterization of semiconductor nanostructures using ultra high vacuum AFM techniques
Martin Kogelschatz and Jiajiu Ye, LTM/CNRS-UGA. (PDF)
68: Cell polarization on rigidity-patterned substrates
Sara Bouizakarne and Alice Nicolas, LTM CNRS-UGA. (PDF)